Please Let us know if you were blessed by the sermons on this site!  In the words of David Hoke:

When we first put our website online, little did we know just how many people (primarily pastors) would find the sermons useful. Over the years, we have been both delighted and humbled at the enormous amount of feedback we have gotten from literally all over the world.

Below are some selections from the many we have received. I am humbled by how God is using the sermons. I hope you will take the time to read what follows and be encouraged as well.

May God bless you as you seek to be faithful to live out His Word!

* Initial Comments were copied from the original website and the dates were not preserved.

Tells us how the sermons blessed you!

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36 entries.
David Bradley David Bradley from Portland, Oregon wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:37 pm
Dear Pastor Hoke, I am a young pastor working a regular job and pastoring a church of 40 people here in Portland, Oregon. I prepare 3 sermons and a Sunday School lesson every week. I have used your sermons several times when I just couldn’t find inspiration or time to do my own. I just wanted to thank you for this ministry that you and your church provide, I will use it with the utmost of integrity. Thanks. David Bradley
David Fleenor David Fleenor from Cleveland, TN wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:37 pm
I am a seminary student at the Church of God Theological Seminary in Cleveland TN. I am taking an Expository Preaching class this semester. Just wanted to let you know that i appreciate you publishing your full text sermons. I will be using them for a one of my assignments: we are suppossed to read 10 Exp. sermons and construct outlines from them. Dr. F.J. May is our instructor. He has asked us to read not only classic Exp. Sermons but contemporary ones as well. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. You have just saved me a lot of library time. David Fleenor
Sang Jung Sang Jung from Hawaii, US wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:36 pm
My name is Sang Jung, Korean speaking church pastor in Hawaii. Regularly I am reading your sermon. I learn many things from you. Your are excellant and very helpfrul. Thank you so much for sharing your insight and ministry.
Jack Anderson Jack Anderson from Isle of Man wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:36 pm
Dear Brother. Your ministry is greatly appreaiated. I Pastor a small church on the Isle of Man (British Isles) It is good to receive the word. jack anderson
Bill Perkins Bill Perkins from Bucharest Romania wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:35 pm
Enjoying your messages, Pastor Hoke, from Bucharest, Romania. I am here teaching Bible and social studies at an MK school (Bucharest Christian Academy) with SBC among the many missions represented. I really appreciate being able to download your message and read them. In His peace, Bill Perkins
Hans-Martin Weitbrecht Hans-Martin Weitbrecht from Berlin, Germany wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:35 pm
Dear David, greetings from Berlin / Germany! Just a brief note in order to thank your very much for your excellent homepage and the sermon archive. I just have read one of your messages on the 10 commandments (contentment) . I liked it and was challenged and encouraged by your words. May God continue to bless you in the service for HIS kingdom. Regards, Hans-Martin Weitbrecht
Pascal Cusson Pascal Cusson from Quebec, Canada wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:34 pm
Dear pastor Hoke, hello ! My name is Pascal Cusson, from the province of Quebec, Canada. I'm a french canadian, an I don't write verry well your thoung, but I reading here easyly. I realy like your site, because he contain a full of beatiful sermons easyly comprehensible, instructives an you using a language correct an accessible for all. Continue your good work for the Lord ! God bless you aboundantly ! Brotherly yours, Pascal Cusson
Andy Conroy Andy Conroy from Stourbridge, UK wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:34 pm
Dear David and the people involved in the David Hoke Website, My name is Andy Conroy and I am a youth leader in Stourbridge (near Birmingham), United Kingdom. I just wanted to E-mail you to thank you for the amazing resource that you have put on the net. Your sermons have helped me in ways that i cannot describe - both as a person and also as a youth leader. I have used a number of your sermon themes and transformed them into a youth orientated message and they have helped in the spiritual growth and transformation of the hearts of my youth group. I do not know whether you get much encouragement and recognition but all I can say is that I as a person and my youth group would be less if it was not for your faithfullness to the God and the gifting that he has placed inside of you. I pray that you continue to hear Gods word and transform it into life giving messages and that his grace and favour rest with you at all times. Thank you again. Andy
Eddie & Sharon Pratt Eddie & Sharon Pratt from England wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:33 pm
I am from England and found your sight by accident. I have looked at the sermons and found it to be a good resource. I want to encourage you and your pastor to keep on with the Lord's work. Even here in England we can learn from you. If you need prayer for anything then feel free to let me know and our church will pray. Every blessing, Eddie & Sharon Pratt
Maurice Kwok Maurice Kwok from Toronto, Ontario, Canada wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:33 pm
I read tonight a sermon on Ephesians 5:15-17 and I found it very helpful. Will your church consider, apart from keeping the text sermon, to record the sermon in MP3 format and load it to your website, so that Christians from all over the world can listen to Rev. David Hoke's sermon. Just an input. Thanks so much! Because He first loved us, Maurice Kwok, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Carien Pelcher Carien Pelcher from New Zealand wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:32 pm
Hi, Just a very big thank you for the wonderful sermons and the permission to use some of it. I am at the moment busy with my training for Lay Preacher in the Methodist Church in NZ and find your website very helpful....not only the sermons...but the most important thing for me at the moment is the fantastic contents. You know how expensive books are on this topic and at the moment it is impossible for me to buy everything I want to! I use this sight to help me with my research too. Thanks again, Carien Pelcher
Herb Gehrling Herb Gehrling from Alberta Canada wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:31 pm
Dear Pastor Hoke. My name is Herb Gehrling and I am an elder/ lay pastor in our church. The reason I am lay pastor is because we currently do not have a pastor. I personally want to thank-you for allowing me to use you material. I have found it not only an inspiration but also a tremendous encouragement. I own a truck repair business in our community which is located in Slave Lake/ Alberta/ Canada and I have never had any formal training in pastoring a church or preparing sermons and I find it a real stretch to bring messages week after week. Thank-you for your faithfulness to our Lord and I pray that He would pour a special blessing of grace and peace upon you, your family and your church. God bless. Your Brother in Christ. Herb
Peter Moore Peter Moore from New Zealand wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:30 pm
I have just discovered your site and read a message called blessed are the flexible which has been very challenging to me. I am a lay preacher and am preaching from this passage Sunday next. I believe God must work a message in your life before you can preach it and was challenged today in an unusual area. I have employed a vagrant I met at church last week for a few days work, He has made some very foolish decisions in life and on Friday begged for some money. He promised I'd see him at church and would be at work 8am Monday morning. sadly we had a no show both times but he arrived this morning 1 day late after walking 35kilometres to get to work because he had run out of petrol. I was ready to send him packing but after reading this message and the spirit of god working on my heart. I need to be flexible. Thanks for permission to use your resources. I appreciate it very much regards Peter Moore, New Zealand
Rev. Bruce Stanley Rev. Bruce Stanley from Sydney, Australia wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:30 pm
Hello, I am a Pastor of a congregation in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Australia. I have recently been preaching through 1 Corinthians with my congregation and stumbled across Pastor Hoke's sermons on the internet. I would like to thank him for these as they have been quite helpful as I prepared my sermons during these past months. I have been greatly encouraged by these sermons and thank God for his work as a teacher. Sincerely, Rev. Bruce Stanley Merrylands Anglican Church
Peris Peris wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:29 pm
Dear Pastor J. David Hoke, Receive Calvary greetings! May i say i truly and awesomely blessed by your sermons.... may the Lord continually add unto u His Divine and Awesome power so that u can continue to be a blessing to our lives. I am Peris, 22 years of age single lady from Nairobi Kenya. And all i wanted to say is thank you, thank you, thank you and God bless u mightly. God Bless.
R. T. Brantley R. T. Brantley wrote on March 5, 2021 at 11:28 pm
I enjoy reading your sermons very much. You have a good writing style conveying both what the text meant and what the text means today. I was pleased to see the additional sermons concerning thinking biblically. I am also a pastor and serve as adjunct professor of Hebrew and Greek at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, North Georgia Center. I really appreciate your detailed treatment of the text. May God bless your ministry, and I hope you will continue the internet ministry as well.